The Foundation

The Foundation

Today my thoughts reflect on a picture when I was walking along the beach in Jacksonville, Florida. As I walked my eyes were drawn to the rows of homes that lined the coast. I was pretty much walking in their back yards, so to speak. As I passed each one, I noticed many still had boards up, and trees down from Hurricane Irma. As I walked I noticed one particular coastal home that was being built. The foundation was eroded and the home was in jeopardy of collapsing. I imagined how the waves blew in with such force and strength. The ocean washing away the sand that supported the foundation of this home. Now Hurricane Laura is threatening the shores of Texas and Louisiana. Many homes are in jeopardy of the same damaging effects of the hurricane that is coming. This reminded me of the story in the Bible where it talks about the foolish man building his house upon the sand. I questioned why would anyone build a home this close to the beach? Then I looked over to see the breath taking view of the ocean. Imagine watching the sunrise each morning or sunset from your home. But choosing to live here comes with a price, especially during hurricane season. I began to wonder how they would fix this home? Would they replace the sand that was washed away with the current, or choose to bring in boulders and concrete to secure the foundation of this home?

I love that Jesus used parables to speak to people.
Matthew 7:24-27. 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

There are many things happening in this world that shakes us. The pandemic, the wild fires in California, a diagnosis from the doctor, loss of a marriage, loss of a job. Many walk away from the very person who can provide comfort, hope and peace during the worst storm you are experiencing. Many walk away from God, blaming him for bad things that happen in their life. The true foundation of a person isn’t always revealed until the storm around them rages and exposes their foundation. A quote from Steven Furtick says ” I may not be able to change my season but I can change my response.” Jesus said that in this world you will have tribulation, but I have overcome the world. Don’t allow the devil to chip away at your faith, don’t listen to the lies and all the negativity that is blowing in the wind from all directions. My foundation is built on God and HE is the one that is in control. When the storm rises and the waves beat around me, My feet are firm and my faith is not shaken. I can choose to trust in God and know He is with me and I am not alone. Don’t you think that one who spoke the wind into existence is the very one who can bring you through seasons and bad times in your life? Is your foundation strong? Or do you sit in despair and have given up? Where do you place your hope? Who do you look for to provide strength when you feel at your weakest?

Prayer: God help me to not keep my focus on the storm and problems that seem to be pressing at me from every side. Invade this storm with your peace, help me to see you. I know you are with me, and I am not alone. You are my deliverer, my healer, and when I feel I am at my weakest, you are my strength. You remain faithful and extend love that surrounds me and I rise above like the eagles seeing things from your perspective.