A Safe Place

A Safe Place

As a new Pastor, I know our congregation has learned that I am not afraid of or do not back down from controversial subjects. I teach what God speaks to me about teaching, even if it might be somewhat controversial. Not for the sake of controversy, but to bring clarity and revelation to the church through His Word on matters that are important to the edification of the body and furthering His Kingdom.

I find it refreshing, and I openly welcome, when a member of the body comes to me and tells me they disagree with some part of a message. First, I know they were listening, but secondly, it shows an openness and willingness for members to participate and have open communication with the leadership of the church. It also shows a maturity in Christ to having or believing God gave a revelation of scripture to them. It also is a learning opportunity, if not for the teacher, for the member.

I desire New Pointe Church to be a safe place where people do not feel chastised or beaten up because they might not fully agree with what the Pastor has taught. We all, including the pastor, have been wrong before. The pastor did not corner the market on hearing from God or receiving a revelation of His Word. New Pointe Church is a safe place to express your feelings, thoughts, agreements, and disagreements.

So many times, in the body of Christ, the enemy uses disagreement in a divisive way and can result in real troubles in a church. When we address disagreements that opens the door for us to discuss, study God’s word further and bring clarification to the disagreement. Rather the body of Christ today is very divided. There are hundreds of denominations and thousands of non-denominational churches because of minor theological differences. God desires us to be ONE body, not many and not divided.

There are some messages and scriptures that are somewhat ambiguous or can be interpreted differently in God’s Word. That is why our Statement of Faith so clearly states, “New Pointe Church recognizes that it cannot, and does not desire to, bind the conscience of individuals in areas where Scripture is silent or ambiguous. Rather, each believer is to be led in those areas by God, to whom he or she alone is ultimately responsible.” We don’t say this to be wishy-washy in our teaching, but because we are each individually accountable.

Pastors are further accountable to the Lord for what they teach and preach. That doesn’t mean that teachers and pastors are infallible. It means we teach what we believe God is revealing to us through scripture by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Not to bring confusion but to bring revelation of God’s Word.

When there is disagreement, first pray about it, God may have a new revelation for you through what you heard; secondly, study the Word again, God may reveal something that you have believed because another person taught it, rather than receiving the revelation yourself. If you still disagree, approach your Pastor or teacher in love, and show in God’s Word that He has revealed something different. Come with an open heart, and there may be an opportunity to receive a new revelation.

I also pray in times of disagreement that respect and honor are given in the disagreement and that we use the Word of God, not another man or preacher’s opinion or interpretation. I say this out of love, and I have much respect for many teachers and preachers in the public domain. Some have inspired revelation of God’s word in my own life. But another man’s opinion or interpretation will rarely sway me from what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me through His Word. Only His Word can do that. I am accountable to Him, not those men.

There may times when the disagreement is not resolvable. In other words, the Pastor or teacher may believe God has given them a revelation on scripture that another may disagree. It is OK to disagree on insignificant theological issues, so long as it is not on the important things. Namely salvation. The small theological differences will exist in any body.

A good teacher will always be open to criticism or disagreement if presented correctly. A good teacher will go and study further on a subject. A good teacher may also further confirm and may not change their view on the matter, but rather use the opportunity to show you where you may be in error. A good teacher will also openly apologize and correct teaching that they find they misinterpreted or were wrong. 

Sometimes there is a simple misunderstanding. A Pastor or teacher may not have clearly articulated something that is just misunderstood. So rather than holding it in and letting it fester, approach your pastor in love. After clarification you might find something was simply misunderstood.

So bring your concerns or disagreement forward in love. But also come forth with an open spirit. Because what you may have believed for years may also be incorrect.

New Pointe Church is a safe place, know our hearts that we only desire the body to be edified, lifted up, and to walk by the Spirit. There is no condemnation here, only the love of Christ.