What To Expect

What To Expect

What are your services like?

In our Sunday Worship Services We have very dynamic contemporary Praise and Worship Service on Sunday Morning followed by a message by Pastor. We believe in allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our services and there is no typical Sunday. One Sunday may be very traditional with worship and a message. The next Sunday we may have the gifts of the spirit in operation, from Healing, Prophesy, Word of Knowledge, Tongues and interpretation.

Wednesday night services are dedicated to prayer. Generally these services involve determining prayer needs and then praying for them. These services can last from one to two hours depending on how the spirit is leading. The prayer services are completely spirit led.

How long are they?

Service usually begins promptly at 10:00am CT and usually ends between 11:30am CT and 12:00am CT. Worship tends to last thirty five to forty minutes followed by offerings, announcements and the word which may typically last thirty to forty five minutes. For a total of one and a half hours or less.

What is your style of worship?

Our Praise and Worship Services are very dynamic. At New Pointe we believe in worshiping God. We usually have a call to worship with a blast of the Shofar. We express our worship with clapping, raising of hands, dance and other expressions of worship.

What is typical attire?

We are very casual at New Pointe. Most people come as they are, there is no dress code. Pastor Barry usually preaches in jeans and button down shirt. But we are a come as you are church. There is no special attire required.

Is child care available?

On Sunday mornings we offer a children’s program called New Pointe Kidz for kindergarten through sixth grade children and a nursery for younger children.
