The Wind

The Wind

Today I checked the weather before I started my walk today. Only a fifteen percent chance of rain. Living in Florida for the past few years, we had forgotten how windy Illinois truly is, especially living out in the country.

I love the wind, leaves on the trees and tall grasses begin to move. To some the winds can bring allergens and toxic reactions effecting their bodies.

I began walking my first mile down the road, it was easy but when I turned to come back I noticed I had wind resistance. The ball cap on my head shielded me from the misty rain from hitting my face which I didn’t notice until I changed directions.

God began speaking to me and said Janice your head is downward and my children need to recognize the season they are in. To some the wind’s resistance comes as an attack and they need to face the enemy, look downward. Remind them where the enemy’s position is. The enemy is under their feet. Declare who they are because of me. Don’t allow the toxins in the air to effect them emotionally or physically. Encourage them to keep running the race that I have set before them. Remind them that I created the wind and waves, They obey me. It is time to rise up and declare Victory, the race is yours to win.