Walking In Peace

Walking In Peace

This is a different and trying time for us. A new virus has crippled our economy and attacked the bodies of so many people. Many Governors have ordered people to stay in their homes for a period of time. Today, we wanted to leave the house so went for a drive. Looking around, we saw many cars on the road and a group of young people walking together. We said, they are not listening to our leaders and definitely not practicing “social distancing.”

Romans 13 says, “Every person must submit to and support the authorities over him. For there can be no authority in the universe except by God’s appointment, which means that every authority that exists has been instituted by God. So to resist authority is to resist the divine order of God, which results in severe consequences.”

We have heard stories about groups of young people on spring break socializing and now it is said many of these have contracted the virus because of their “rebellion” to authority. Social Distancing is not easy for most people and the thought of staying home is a choice that many just won’t do. I am reminded of many scriptures that talk about how God is our refuge and strength, our fortress, our protector, shield and tower.

Our homes have become a strong tower so to speak. A place of safety and refuge from the COVID-19 virus. An old song we used to sing in Church, the name of the Lord is (clap,clap) a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are saved. If you are saved, you are righteous because of Jesus. We are protected and safe with Him. The world may be in Chaos, fearful and anxious but we must not allow the mindset of the world to rob us from walking in peace. We must also be wise in heeding to the concerns of those in Authority.

Isaiah 60:1–2:
“Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! Look carefully! Darkness blankets the earth, and thick gloom covers the nations, but Yahweh arises upon you and the brightness of his glory appears over you!”

Another song that I have been waking up singing is “See A Victory”. The words of the bridge is, you take what the enemy meant for evil, and you turn it for good. This Virus has shut the doors of the churches but now with all churches live streaming their services, we are reaching hundreds and some thousands across this nation.

We as Christians have an opportunity to show others that God is the one who can give peace to those who are anxious and troubled during this time. We have the opportunity to reach others through social media. We can be connected and show the love of Christ to others. So many people are fearful of whether their jobs will still be there for them. Let’s be the voice of Jesus. Encourage one another in love, pray for others and most of all share how God is allowing you to walk in peace. Let the brightness of His Glory rest on you and shine through you. Pray for our leaders and President during this time. Be at peace and rest in Him. Allow Him to be your strong tower, a place of safety and refuge.
[Psalm 91]

The Transition
The Wind